
Position: Lead Storyboard Artist (S2), Storyboard Artist (S1)

Studio: Global Mechanic (S2), Awesome Inc. (S1)

Client: Adult Swim | HBO

Watch: Birdgirl

As a Lead Storyboard Artist for season 2, I had my hands in all aspects of the boarding process. These are just a few of the scenes where my hands were doing the boarding.

Epic Career Quest

Position: Storyboard Artist

Studio: Global Mechanic

Client: Google | Grow with Google

Watch: Epic Career Quest

Given two weeks, a 12-page script, and scratch audio, I storyboarded this bad boy. Here is my animatic side-by-side with the final animation.

The Harper House

Position: Storyboard Artist

Studio: Titmouse

Client: Paramount+

Watch: The Harper House

As an animated family sitcom, The Harper House was very dialogue-focused. I boarded several intimate character interactions, plenty of multiple-character scenes, and an explosive set piece.